The Collabeatz collection sale will start as an Open Sea Drop on March 4th 2024 at 4:00 pm UTC

There are 3000 unique Collabeatz that are going to be sold during two phases
Presale 4 March 2024 4:00 PM UTC
- Price: 0.015 ETH for each NFT
- Quantity: up to 10 NFTs per address
- Duration: the presale will last for 2 days
These phase is open to eligible Ethereum addresses that are in the allowlist.
Public Sale 6 March 2024 4:00 PM UTC
- Price: 0.015 ETH for each NFT
- Quantity: up to 100 NFT per address
- Duration: the public sale will last for 12 days.
The sale will end earlier if all Collabeatz are sold out.
After the public sale ends, any unsold NFT will be minted and held by a reserve account. Unsold NFTs may be sold on secondary market or used for promotion and collaborations.
Some addresses will be selected for the allowlist through our social media channels.
Log in to our Discord channel and follow our X Twitter account to find out how you can contribute.
If you are active in the community you will have the opportunity to join our allow list!